
At Signature, interesting questions are frequently brought to us; in the spirit of thoughtfulness, we decided we should put them here so you can have a look at your pleasure. If there are interesting questions that have not been answered please talk to us about your Signature event‌ call or email Callum and Jorge.


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  • Will my chosen chef be at my event?

    Yes, your chosen chef will always be leading the brigade at your event. We bring the talent‌,‌ the settings‌,‌ the kitchen and the crew‌.‌ So all you need to do is choose the menu‌,‌ whether it’s one of our set menus or a bespoke creation‌.‌

  • Can Laure find me exclusive wines?

    Yes, thanks to her ability to look beyond tradition she will seek out rare‌,‌ exciting and exceptional wines you won’t find anywhere else‌.‌

  • Do you provide Signature services for smaller events?

    Yes. However, our normal service guides may vary so please contact the team for more information.

  • Will Callum & Jorge be at my event?

    Yes, Callum or Jorge will always be at your event; they have run events together for many years‌,‌ providing catering and staff at the very highest level‌.‌

  • Do You Offer Finance?

    Yes, we offer a finance option for those who wish to spread the cost over a 12-month period - 0% interest.